The Artist Program

So it was June of 2020 and we were living in the new “Covid” world. Our social gatherings were restricted to 5 indoors and we were celebrating one of my girls 40th birthdays. What would normally be an over the top party celebration pre-covid, we decided to have a small get together. It was here, that I was first introduced to at the time Maskcara, now called Seint.

My friend Val (now my sponsor) helped each of us get photo ready! I was loving the flawless look and feel of what she applied to my face. By the end of the night, I had pulled out my credit card and made a large purchase. I couldn’t wait for it to arrive. In the meantime, I had told all of my other friends from other social circles about how amazing it was. As everyone knows, if one of the people you trust recommends a product, you are going to try it! I realized what I had done….I had sparked interest.

These girlfriends were now going to give it a try. Well, hang on a second……now my brain is working overtime. Sorry Val, I love you but wouldn’t it make better sense for me to benefit from their purchases? Listen, I am a teacher and a realtor, I wasn’t looking for another job. I mean, who couldn’t use extra spending money to support their online shopping addiction during lockdown?

I just jumped in. Before even receiving my original order I had signed on to become a Maskcara (Seint) Artist. Here were my reasonings behind it:

  • I knew there was going to be an amazing group of ladies there to support me
  • I was going to get paid weekly (every Friday) as if Fridays aren’t already amazing!
  • I would earn 20% – 40% on all of my sales
  • I can purchase my own make-up at a discount cost
  • I could earn bonus’ which are paid the 10th of each month
  • I don’t have to stock inventory (thank God, I have no space)
  • I don’t have to worry about monthly minimums
  • I would have to only pay $14.95 / month for my back office which would include my own website
  • The training and resources are all provided to me
  • I get to play with make-up

My makeup skills were basic and probably average. What was also appealing to me was that you didn’t need any past experience. Applying Seint makeup is like painting by numbers, even my 9 year old daughter can do it no problem. Plus, there are numerous amounts of amazing tutorials online that helped me and can help you too.

The cost of the BASIC ARTIST KIT is $279.00

If you want to ENROLL, I would love to have you on my team. Click below to enroll with me

~ Melissa Snell